Source code for som.som

# SOM: Stochastic Optimization Method for Analytic Continuation
# Copyright (C) 2016-2024 Igor Krivenko <>
# SOM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# SOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# SOM. If not, see <>.
Main module of SOM

from typing import List

import cmath
import numpy as np

from import (Gf,
from triqs.stat import Histogram

from .som_core import SomCore

[docs] class Som(SomCore): """Implementation of the Stochastic Optimization Method."""
[docs] def __init__(self, rhs: Gf, errors: Gf, kind: str = "FermionGf", norms=None, *, filtering_levels=None, ): r""" :param rhs: Right hand side of the :ref:`integral equation <integral_equation>` to be solved, defined on :class:``, :class:`` or :class:``. The target shape of ``rhs`` must be :math:`M{\times}M`. If :math:`M>1`, only its diagonal matrix elements will be considered and used as input data for :math:`M` independent continuation problems. :type rhs: :class:`` :param errors: Either :ref:`error bars <error_bars>` :math:`\sigma_n` (GF container of the same type and target shape as ``rhs``) or a packed list of :ref:`covariance matrices <cov_matrix>` (``Gf(mesh=MeshProduct(rhs.mesh, rhs.mesh), target_shape=[M])`` with each target element corresponding to one covariance matrix). :param kind: Selection of the :ref:`observable kind <observables>` (and its respective integral kernel) to be used. One of ``FermionGf``, ``FermionGfSymm``, ``BosonCorr``, ``BosonAutoCorr``, ``ZeroTemp``. Defaults to ``FermionGf``. :type kind: :class:`str`, optional :param norms: Requested :ref:`solution norms <solution_norm>` either as a list of :math:`M` real numbers or as a single real number for all :math:`M` continuation problems. For observable kinds ``FermionGf``, ``FermionGfSymm`` and ``ZeroTemp`` this parameter is optional and defaults to 1.0. For ``BosonCorr`` and ``BosonAutoCorr`` it must be provided by the user. .. seealso:: When unknown a priori in the latter case, the norms can be approximately estimated from ``rhs`` using :func:`estimate_boson_corr_spectrum_norms`. :type norms: :class:`float` or :class:`list` [:class:`float`] :param filtering_levels: :ref:`Filtering levels <cov_matrix_filtered>` for covariance matrices either as a list of :math:`M` real numbers or as a single real number for all :math:`M` continuation problems. Can only be specified when the covariance matrices are used. Defaults to 0. :type filtering_levels: :class:`float` or :class:`list` [:class:`float`], optional """ if rhs.target_rank != 2: raise RuntimeError("'rhs' must be a square matrix-valued GF object") if norms is None: try: norms_ = {"FermionGf": 1.0, "FermionGfSymm": 1.0, "ZeroTemp": 1.0}[kind] * np.ones(rhs.target_shape[0]) except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("A list of solution norms must be provided " "for observable kind " + kind) elif isinstance(norms, float) or isinstance(norms, int): norms_ = norms * np.ones(rhs.target_shape[0]) else: norms_ = np.array(norms) # First, try to construct with the covariance matrices if isinstance(errors, Gf) \ and errors.rank == 2 and errors.target_rank == 1: if filtering_levels is None: fl = np.array([]) elif isinstance(filtering_levels, float) or \ isinstance(filtering_levels, int): fl = filtering_levels * np.ones(rhs.target_shape[0]) else: fl = np.array(filtering_levels) SomCore.__init__(self, rhs, errors, kind, norms_, fl) # Then try the error bars elif isinstance(errors, Gf) \ and errors.rank == 1 and errors.target_rank == 2: if filtering_levels is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Argument 'filtering_levels' is accepted only when full " "covariance matrices are provided") SomCore.__init__(self, rhs, errors, kind, norms_) # Give up else: raise RuntimeError("Argument 'errors' has unsupported format")
[docs] def estimate_boson_corr_spectrum_norms(chi: Gf) -> List[float]: r""" Given a correlator :math:`\chi` of bosonic or boson-like (fermion-number-conserving) operators, estimates the corresponding spectrum normalization constants :math:`\mathcal{N}`. Depending on the mesh :math:`\chi` is defined on, one of the following expressions is used. - Imaginary frequencies: :math:`\mathcal{N} = \pi\chi(i\Omega=0)`. - Imaginary time: :math:`\mathcal{N} = \pi\int_0^\beta d\tau \chi(\tau)`. - Legendre polynomial basis coefficients: :math:`\mathcal{N} = \pi\chi(\ell=0)`. :param chi: The correlator :math:`\chi`. :type chi: :class:`` :return: A list of estimated spectrum normalization constants, one constant per diagonal matrix element of :math:`\chi`. :rtype: :class:`list` [:class:`float`] """ assert isinstance(chi, Gf), "Expected a Green's function object" if chi.mesh.statistic != "Boson": raise ValueError("Wrong mesh statistics for bosonic correlator 'chi'") N = chi.target_shape[0] if isinstance(chi.mesh, MeshImFreq): W0 = list(chi.mesh.values()).index(0j) return np.pi * np.array([[W0, n, n].real for n in range(N)]) elif isinstance(chi.mesh, MeshImTime): chi_iw = GfImFreq(beta=chi.mesh.beta, statistic="Boson", n_points=1, # We need only the zero frequency target_shape=chi.target_shape) chi_iw << Fourier(chi) return np.pi * np.array([[0, n, n].real for n in range(N)]) elif isinstance(chi.mesh, MeshLegendre): # \chi(i\Omega = 0) = \chi(l = 0) return np.pi * np.array([[0, n, n].real for n in range(N)]) else: raise TypeError("Unexpected type of 'chi'")
[docs] def count_good_solutions(hist: Histogram, good_chi_rel: float = 2.0, good_chi_abs: float = cmath.inf) -> int: r""" Given a histogram of values :math:`\chi` for the objective function :math:`\chi^2`, counts the number of such solutions that :math:`\chi \leq` ``good_chi_abs`` and :math:`\chi/\chi_\mathrm{min} \leq` ``good_chi_rel``. :param hist: Histogram to analyze. :type hist: :class:`triqs.stat.histograms.Histogram` :param good_chi_rel: :math:`\chi/\chi_\mathrm{min}` threshold for good solutions. :type good_chi_rel: :class:`float`, optional :param good_chi_abs: :math:`\chi` threshold for good solutions. :type good_chi_abs: :class:`float`, optional :rtype: :class:`int` """ chi_min = hist.limits[0] chi_c = min(good_chi_abs, chi_min * good_chi_rel) return int(sum(c for n, c in enumerate( if hist.mesh_point(n) <= chi_c))