Stochastic Optimization with Consistent Constraints
Application of the method of consistent constraints in SOM is twofold:
A new Markov chain update that is enabled by calling
.A new method
to build the final solution out of accumulated particular solutions.
Both applications are rather involved and support many user-adjustable
parameters. Names of their respective keyword arguments are typeset as
monospaced text
in the following.
Consistent-constraints updates
Consistent-constraints (CC) updates introduced in SOM 2.0 are a new type of updates in the Markov chain used to accumulate particular solutions (Section II.A of [GMPPS2017]). Unlike elementary updates, they radically change an MC configuration and help reveal local minima of the objective function more quickly.
The CC updates are proposed during the first stage of a global update at regular
intervals. Two consecutive CC updates are separated by
elementary updates. A CC update is skipped if it
could potentially result in a configuration with too many rectangles,
\(2K_0+1>\) max_rects
, where \(K_0\) is the number of rectangles in
the current configuration. CC updates are accepted and rejected based on the
same Metropolis criterion as the elementary updates. A proposed CC update
proceeds as follows.
Take the current configuration, construct a configuration made out of non-overlapping rectangles \(\{(c_k, w_k, h_k)\}\) (Eqs. (16)-(17) of [GMPPS2017]) and discard rectangles with width below
. If size \(K\) of the resulting non-overlapping configuration is less than 3 (too small to evaluate the 2nd derivative), reject the update.Collect heights \(h_k\) of rectangles in the non-overlapping configuration in a \(K\)-dimensional vector \(\mathbf{h}\).
Starting from the collected heights, use the CC protocol (see below) to compute optimal heights \(\mathbf{h}^\mathrm{(opt)}\).
If any of \(h^\mathrm{(opt)}_k\) is significantly negative, i.e. \(w_k h^\mathrm{(opt)}_k < -\)
, reject the update.Replace heights \(h_k\) in the non-overlapping configuration with the optimal heights \(h^\mathrm{(opt)}_k\).
Remove small rectangles (\(w_k h^\mathrm{(opt)}_k <\)
) from the configuration and redistribute their weight by changing heights of their neighboring rectangles. This step is repeated until none of the rectangles has weight belowmin_rect_weight
.Evaluate the \(\chi^2\)-functional for the new optimized configuration and use \(\chi^2_\mathrm{(opt)}\) to compute the Metropolis ratio.
The CC protocol consists in iterative minimization of a quadratic function of \(h_k\) with self-consistent determination of regularization parameters \(Q^{(0)}_k, Q^{(1)}_k, Q^{(2)}_k\) this function depends on. The function in question is a sum of the \(\chi^2\)-functional and a few regularization terms,
The regularization term \(O_0\) penalizes large amplitudes of a solution,
\(O_1\) and \(O_2\) penalize large values of the 1st and 2nd derivatives of a solution respectively,
Matrices \(\hat O_{(1)}\) and \(\hat O_{(2)}\) are derived from finite-difference approximations of \(A'\) and \(A''\) at points \(\epsilon_k = c_k\).
CC protocol iterations are organized as follows.
Initialize regularization parameters according to
\(Q^{(0)}_k = 0,\ k=\overline{1,K}\),
\(Q^{(1)}_k = (\)
\()W^2/ \mathcal{N},\ k = \overline{1,K-1}\),\(Q^{(2)}_k = (\)
\()W^3/ \mathcal{N},\ k = \overline{1,K-2}\),
where \(W\) is the energy window width (
energy_window[1] - energy_window[0]
) and \(\mathcal{N}\) is the requested solution norm.Use a numerical linear algebra algorithm to minimize the quadratic function \(O[\mathbf{h}; Q^{(0)},Q^{(1)},Q^{(2)}]\) w.r.t. \(\mathbf{h}\) subject to equality constraint \(\sum_{k=1}^K w_k h_k = \mathcal{N}\).
Compute discrepancy of weights of rectangles with heights \(\mathbf{h}\) and \(\mathbf{h}^\mathrm{new}\) as \(\frac{1}{\mathcal{N}}\sum_{k=1}^K |w_k (h_k - h^\mathrm{new}_k)|\). If it lies within a fixed tolerance level
, terminate iterations.Update amplitude regularization parameters \(Q^{(0)}_k\): If \(h^\mathrm{new}_k\) is negative, set \(Q^{(0)}_k =(\)
\()W / \mathcal{N}\), otherwise divide \(Q^{(0)}_k\) bycc_update_height_penalty_divisor
.Use finite-difference approximations to compute derivatives of \(A\) at \(\epsilon_k = c_k\):
1st derivatives \(d^{(1)}_k, k = \overline{1,K-1}\).
2nd derivatives \(d^{(2)}_k, k = \overline{1,K-2}\).
Compute limiting constants for \(Q^{(1)}_k\) and \(Q^{(2)}_k\):
\(Q^{(1)}_\mathrm{lim} = (\)
\() \min_k Q^{(1)}_k\).\(Q^{(2)}_\mathrm{lim} = (\)
\() \min_k Q^{(2)}_k\).
Update the derivative regularization parameters based on the magnitudes of \(d^{(1)}_k\) and \(d^{(2)}_k\).
If \(|d^{(1)}_k| > (\)
\(/ \sqrt{K-1}) / Q^{(1)}_k\), then set \(Q^{(1)}_k = (\)cc_update_der_penalty_threshold
\(/ \sqrt{K-1}) / |d^{(1)}_k|\). Otherwise multiply \(Q^{(1)}_k\) bycc_update_der_penalty_increase_coeff
.If \(|d^{(2)}_k| > (\)
\(/ \sqrt{K-1}) / Q^{(2)}_k\), then set \(Q^{(2)}_k = (\)cc_update_der_penalty_threshold
\(/ \sqrt{K-1}) / |d^{(2)}_k|\). Otherwise multiply \(Q^{(2)}_k\) bycc_update_der_penalty_increase_coeff
Reduce excessively large derivative regularization parameters to avoid divergent behaviour:
If \(Q^{(1)}_k > Q^{(1)}_\mathrm{lim}\), then set \(Q^{(1)}_k = Q^{(1)}_\mathrm{lim}\).
If \(Q^{(2)}_k > Q^{(2)}_\mathrm{lim}\), then set \(Q^{(2)}_k = Q^{(2)}_\mathrm{lim}\).
If the maximal allowed number of iterations
is reached, terminate. Otherwise set \(\mathbf{h} = \mathbf{h}^\mathrm{new}\) and repeat from step 2.
Construction of final solution using the consistent-constraints protocol
SOM 2.x features an optimization procedure that finds a vector of final solution coefficients \(\mathbf{c}\) resulting in a smoother spectral function. It also allows to bias the final solution towards a user-provided default model.
The optimization procedure minimizes a quadratic function of \(\mathbf{c}\) depending on a few sets of regularization parameters,
\(O_Q[\mathbf{c}; Q_k]\) stabilizes the final solution by penalizing large amplitudes,
\[O_Q[\mathbf{c}; Q_k] = \sum_{k=1}^K Q_k^2 A(\epsilon_k)^2 = \mathbf{c}^T \hat O_Q \mathbf{c}, \quad (\hat O_Q)_{jj'} = \sum_{k=1}^K Q_k^2 A_j(\epsilon_k) A_{j'}(\epsilon_k).\]\(O_D[\mathbf{c}; D_k]\) penalizes large 1st derivatives of the final solution,
\[O_D[\mathbf{c}; D_k] = \sum_{k=1}^{K-1} D_k^2 |A'(\epsilon_k)|^2 = \mathbf{c}^T \hat O_D \mathbf{c}, \quad (\hat O_D)_{jj'} = \sum_{k=1}^{K-1} D_k^2 A'_j(\epsilon_k) A'_{j'}(\epsilon_k).\]\(O_B[\mathbf{c}; B_k]\) penalizes large 2nd derivatives of the final solution,
\[O_B[\mathbf{c}; B_k] = \sum_{k=2}^{K-1} B_{k-1}^2 |A''(\epsilon_k)|^2 = \mathbf{c}^T \hat O_B \mathbf{c}, \quad (\hat O_B)_{jj'} = \sum_{k=2}^{K-1} B_{k-1}^2 A''_j(\epsilon_k) A''_{j'}(\epsilon_k).\]\(O_T[\mathbf{c}; T_k, A_T(\epsilon)]\) penalizes deviations from a predefined default model (“target”) \(A_T(\epsilon)\),
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}O_T[\mathbf{c}; T_k, A_T(\epsilon)] &= \sum_{k=1}^K T_k [A(\epsilon_k) - A_T(\epsilon_k)]^2 = \mathbf{c}^T \hat O_T \mathbf{c} - 2\mathbf{f}_T^T\mathbf{c}+\mathrm{const},\\(\hat O_T)_{jj'} &= \sum_{k=1}^K T_k A_j(\epsilon_k) A_{j'}(\epsilon_k), \quad (\mathbf{f}_T)_j = \sum_{k=1}^K T_k A_j(\epsilon_k) A_T(\epsilon_k).\end{aligned}\end{align} \]\(O_U[\mathbf{c}; U]\) penalizes deviations from the equal weight superposition \(c_j = 1/J\).
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}O_U[\mathbf{c}; U] &= U \sum_{j=1}^J (c_j - 1/J)^2 = \mathbf{c}^T \hat O_U \mathbf{c}-2\mathbf{f}_U^T\mathbf{c}+\mathrm{const},\\(\hat O_U)_{jj'} &= U \delta_{jj'},\quad (\mathbf{f}_U)_j = U / J.\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
Values of particular spectral functions \(A_j(\epsilon)\) and their
derivatives are approximated on a user-supplied uniform or non-uniform energy
grid \(\{\epsilon_k\}\) (refreq_mesh
The iterative optimization procedure proceeds as follows.
Precompute approximate values of \(A_j(\epsilon_k)\), \(A'_j(\epsilon_k)\) and \(A''_j(\epsilon_k)\).
Using user-supplied parameters \(A_T(\epsilon_k)=\)
, \(T_k =\)default_model_weights
and \(U=\)ew_penalty_coeff
precompute \(\mathbf{f} = \mathbf{f}_T + \mathbf{f}_U\).Initialize regularization parameters according to
\(\mathcal{D} = (\)
\() / J\),\(Q_k = 0\),
\(D_k = \mathcal{D}\),
\(B_k = \mathcal{D}\).
Use the regularization parameters to compute matrix \(\hat O = \hat O_Q + \hat O_D + \hat O_B + \hat O_T + \hat O_U\).
Use a numerical linear algebra algorithm to minimize \(\mathbf{c}^T \hat O \mathbf{c} - 2\mathbf{f}^T\mathbf{c}\) w.r.t. \(\mathbf{c}\) subject to the normalization sum rule \(\sum_{J=1}^J c_j = 1\). The minimization result at the \(I\)-th iteration is stored as a vector \(\mathbf{c}^{(I)}\).
Compute and store relative \(L_1\)-distance between \(\mathbf{c}^{(I)}\) and \(\mathbf{c}^{(I-1)}\),
\[d(I, I-1) = \frac{\sum_{j=1}^J |c^{(I)}_j - c^{(I-1)}_j|} {\sum_{j=1}^J |c^{(I)}_j|},\]where the initial vector \(\mathbf{c}^{(0)}\) is taken to have all components equal to \(1/J\).
In case user has provided a monitor function (
), it is called with 4 arguments,a 1D NumPy array \(\mathbf{c}^{(I)}\),
a 2-tuple of 1D arrays \((A(\epsilon_k), Q_k)\),
a 2-tuple of 1D arrays \((A'(\epsilon_k), D_k)\),
a 2-tuple of 1D arrays \((A''(\epsilon_k), B_k)\).
from the function terminates iterations.If \(\sum_{j=1}^J |c^{(I)}_j| >\)
(contribution of the negative coefficients is too big), then terminate iterations.If \(d(I, I-1) < \min_n |\sigma_n/G(n)|\), then convergence is reached and iterations are terminated. \(G(n)\) is the right-hand side of the analytic continuation problem, and \(\sigma_n\) are respective estimated error bars on the input data.
Form a new final solution from coefficients \(\mathbf{c}^{(I)}\),
Increase regularization parameters \(\mathcal{D}\), \(D_k\) and \(B_k\) by the factor
.Update the amplitude regularization parameters \(Q_k\): If \(A(\epsilon_k) < 0\), then set \(Q_k =\)
. Otherwise divide \(Q_k\) byamp_penalty_divisor
.Update the derivative regularization parameters:
If \(D_k |A'(\epsilon_k)| > \mathcal{D}\), then set \(D_k = \mathcal{D} / |A'(\epsilon_k)|\);
If \(B_k |A''(\epsilon_k)| > \mathcal{D}\), then set \(B_k = \mathcal{D} / |A''(\epsilon_k)|\).
If the maximal allowed number of iterations
is reached, terminate. Otherwise repeat from step 4.
Once the iterations have been terminated, one inspects the accumulated list of pairs \((\mathbf{c}^{(1)}, d(1,0)), (\mathbf{c}^{(2)}, d(2,1)), \ldots\). Elements of the list are sorted in the ascending order according to \(d(I,I-1)\), i.e. \(\mathbf{c}^{(I)}\) from the iteration closest to convergence comes first in the sorted list. The first vector of coefficients from the sorted list that obeys
\(\chi^2\left[\sum_{j=1}^J c^{(I)}_j A_j\right] \leq (\)
\()^2\) and\(\chi^2\left[\sum_{j=1}^J c^{(I)}_j A_j\right] \leq \min_j \chi^2[A_j] (\)
represents the sought final solution.