
libcommute is a C++11/14/17 template library that includes two major parts.

  • A Domain-Specific Language (DSL) designed to easily construct and manipulate polynomial expressions with quantum-mechanical operators, especially those used in the quantum many-body theory. The most commonly used instances of such expressions are many-body Hamiltonians and operators of physical observables.

  • A fast intermediate representation of the quantum-mechanical operators that enables their action on state vectors in finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. This feature provides a basis for writing highly performant Exact Diagonalization (ED) codes without loss of flexibility.

libcommute offers a bunch of features and is extensible in a number of ways.

  • The libcommute::expression class is an arbitrary polynomial expression that can mix bosonic/fermionic (CCR and CAR algebras) and spin operators. It supports all standard arithmetic operations, compound-assignement operators, Hermitian conjugation and gives access to individual monomials via an iteration interface. No matrix representation is internally used to store the expressions, so there is virtually no limit on their size.

  • Algebra generators such as fermionic creation/annihilation operators \(\hat c^\dagger_{i,j,k,\ldots}\) (\(\hat c_{i,j,k,\ldots}\)) are templated on the number and types of the indices \(i,j,k,\ldots\). It is, therefore, easy to implement notation that is most natural for the problem at hand.

  • With a C++17-capable compiler, it is also possible to use dynamically-typed indices on the generators. More specifically, every single generator in an expression can carry its own sequence of indices \(i,j,k,\ldots\). Neither lengths of the sequences nor types of their elements have to agree between different generators.

  • Coefficients of the polynomial expressions can be real, complex (std::complex<T>) or of any user-defined type S (one needs to specialize the structure scalar_traits<S> for that type).

  • User-defined commutation/anticommutation operator algebras can be added via inheritance from the abstract base class libcommute::generator.

  • The common shorthand notation \(\pm \text{H.c.}\) is supported in the expressions (credits to Kristofer Björnson for his original implementation of this idea in the TBTK library).

  • The libcommute::loperator class translates an expression into a form, where it can be quickly acted with on a state vector.

  • A state vector is a container type modeling a special StateVector concept. By default, libcommute::loperator will work with any container that gives read/write access to its elements via operator[] and exposes its size via a size() method (std::vector<T> is one example). If there is a quicker way to perform a specific operation on a user-defined container type (for instance, setting all vector’s elements to 0), it can be implemented by overloading the corresponding free function (part of the concept).

  • libcommute::loperator mirrors libcommute::expression in the manner it can be extended to support more commutation/anticommutation algebras.

  • As a bonus, there is an utility class libcommute::space_partition, which implements the Hilbert space partitioning algorithm (Computer Physics Communications 200, March 2016, 274-284, Sec. 4.2).

Follow the links in the contents table below to learn more about libcommute’s capabilities and see some usage examples.

Being a header-only template library, libcommute does not require installation. However, you may still choose to follow the Installation instructions to build and run unit tests, build examples, and install the library so that it is discoverable by other CMake-based projects. The source code repository and the issue tracker are hosted on GitHub.

libcommute is distributed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. You can obtain a copy of the MPL at
