Partial diagonalization of a one-dimensional Hubbard-Holstein model

The model describes behavior of strongly correlated electrons coupled to localized phonons [PBK74], [TC03]. The Hamiltonian of the model defined on a chain with \(L\) sites reads

\[\begin{split}\hat H = -t \sum_{\sigma}\sum_{i=0}^{L-2} (c^\dagger_{i,\sigma} c_{i+1,\sigma} + h.c.) -\mu \sum_{i=0}^{L-1} n_{i,\sigma} +U \sum_{i=0}^{L-1} n_{i,\uparrow} n_{i,\downarrow} +\\+ \omega \sum_{i=0}^{L-1} a^\dagger_i a_i + g \sum_{i=0}^{L-1} (n_{i,\uparrow} + n_{i,\downarrow})(a^\dagger_i + a_i),\end{split}\]

where \(c^\dagger_{i,\sigma}\), \(c_{i,\sigma}\) and \(n_{i,\sigma}\) are electron creation, annihilation and occupation number operators respectively. Operators \(a^\dagger_i\), \(a_i\) create and destroy phonons localized at the chain site \(i\). \(t\) is the hopping constant of the electrons, \(\mu\) is the chemical potential, and \(U\) is the on-site Coulomb repulsion constant. The localized phonons have frequency \(\omega\) and are coupled to the electrons with strength \(g\). Each localized phonon is allowed to occupy only two states, \(|0\rangle\) and \(|1\rangle\). Diagonalization is performed within the sector with \(N_{el} = 2\) electrons by means of Eigen’s SelfAdjointEigenSolver.

  1// 'state_vector_eigen3.hpp' must be included before 'libcommute.hpp'.
  2// This way libcommute will know how to deal with Eigen's vector types.
  3#include <libcommute/loperator/state_vector_eigen3.hpp>
  5#include <libcommute/libcommute.hpp>
  7#include <Eigen/Eigenvalues>
  9using namespace libcommute;
 11int main() {
 12  int const L = 4;       // Length of the chain
 13  int const b = 1;       // 2^b phonon states per chain site
 14  double const t = 0.5;  // Electron hopping constant
 15  double const mu = 1.0; // Chemical potential
 16  double const U = 2.0;  // Coulomb repulsion
 17  double const w = 2.0;  // Phonon frequency
 18  double const g = 0.1;  // Electron-phonon coupling
 20  // Expression of the Hubbard-Holstein Hamiltonian to be constructed.
 21  // Every creation and annihilation operator found in the expression carries
 22  // an integer index (chain site) and a string index (spin).
 23  static_indices::expr_real<int, std::string> H;
 25  // The following functions return operators with statically typed indices.
 26  using static_indices::c_dag; // Create an electron
 27  using static_indices::c;     // Destroy an electron
 28  using static_indices::n;     // Number of electrons
 29  using static_indices::a_dag; // Create a phonon
 30  using static_indices::a;     // Destroy a phonon
 32  // Electron hopping terms of H.
 33  for(auto spin : {"up", "down"}) {
 34    for(int i = 0; i < L - 1; ++i) {
 35      H += -t * (c_dag(i, spin) * c(i + 1, spin) + hc);
 36    }
 37  }
 38  // Chemical potential terms.
 39  for(int i = 0; i < L; ++i)
 40    H += -mu * (n(i, "up") + n(i, "down"));
 41  // Coulomb repulsion terms.
 42  for(int i = 0; i < L; ++i)
 43    H += U * n(i, "up") * n(i, "down");
 44  // Energy of the localized phonons.
 45  for(int i = 0; i < L; ++i)
 46    H += w * a_dag(i, "") * a(i, "");
 47  // Electron-phonon coupling.
 48  for(int i = 0; i < L; ++i)
 49    H += g * (n(i, "up") + n(i, "down")) * (a_dag(i, "") + a(i, ""));
 51  // Automatically analyse structure of 'H' and construct a Hilbert space.
 52  // Only the lowest 2^b states will be accounted for for each localized phonon.
 53  auto hs = make_hilbert_space(H, boson_es_constructor(b));
 54  std::cout << "Full Hilbert space dimension: " << hs.dim() << '\n';
 56  // Construct an 'loperator' object that represents action of the expression
 57  // 'H' on state vectors in the Hilbert space 'hs'.
 58  auto Hop = make_loperator(H, hs);
 60  // Diagonalize the 2-electron sector of the model.
 61  // using Eigen 3 and the 'n_fermion_sector_view' class.
 62  int const N_el = 2;
 64  auto sec_size = n_fermion_sector_size(hs, N_el);
 65  std::cout << "Size of the N_el = 2 sector: " << sec_size << '\n';
 67  // Preallocate a Hamiltonian matrix to be filled and diagonalized. Note that
 68  // we have to store matrix elements only within the small sector.
 69  Eigen::MatrixXd Hmat(sec_size, sec_size);
 71  // Preallocate an input state vector.
 72  Eigen::VectorXd psi(sec_size);
 74  // Create a constant 2-fermion sector view of the source vector 'psi'.
 75  // The view makes the small vector 'psi' compatible with 'Hop', which wants
 76  // to act in the full Hilbert space.
 77  auto psi_view = make_const_nfs_view(psi, hs, N_el);
 79  // Fill 'Hmat'.
 80  for(int k = 0; k < (int)sec_size; ++k) {
 81    // Reset vector |\psi> to zero.
 82    psi = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero((int)sec_size);
 83    psi[k] = 1; // 'psi' is the k-th basis vector now.
 85    // Create a 2-fermion sector view of the k-th column of 'Hmat'.
 86    auto HMat_col_view = make_nfs_view(Hmat.col(k), hs, N_el);
 88    // Act with 'Hop' on the k-th sector basis state and write the result into
 89    // the k-th column of 'Hmat'.
 90    Hop(psi_view, HMat_col_view);
 91  }
 93  // Diagonalize 'Hmat'.
 94  Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> diag(Hmat,
 95                                                      Eigen::EigenvaluesOnly);
 97  std::cout << "10 lowest eigenvalues of the N_el = " << N_el
 98            << " sector: " << diag.eigenvalues().head(10).transpose() << '\n';
100  return 0;


A Krylov subspace iteration eigensolver used instead of Eigen’s SelfAdjointEigenSolver would require only repeated evaluation of \(\hat H|\psi\rangle\). Therefore, it would be unnecessary to store and fill the whole matrix Hmat at once.


“Low-temperature properties of the one-dimensional polaron band. I. Extreme-band-narrowing regime”, G. Beni, P. Pincus and J. Kanamori, Phys. Rev. B 10, pp. 1896-1901 (1974),


“Possibility of a metallic phase in the charge-density-wave–spin-density-wave crossover region in the one-dimensional Hubbard-Holstein model at half filling”, Y. Takada and A. Chatterjee, Phys. Rev. B 8, p. 081102 (2003),