N-fermion sector views and exact diagonalization with Eigen 3

In this example we show how to partially diagonalize a large model of lattice fermions. More specifically, we are going to use the single band Fermi-Hubbard model on a 2D square lattice with periodic boundary conditions.

\[\hat H = -t\sum_{\langle i,j \rangle, \sigma} c^\dagger_{i,\sigma} c_{j,\sigma} -\mu \sum_{i, \sigma} n_{i,\sigma} + U \sum_i n_{i,\uparrow} n_{i,\downarrow}.\]

The number of atoms in the considered lattice (cluster) is set to 16, which makes for an intractably large Hilbert space of dimension \(2^{32}\). Since the Hamiltonian of the Hubbard model preserves total numbers of spin-up and spin-down electrons, one can diagonalize the Hamiltonian within a single \(N\)-fermion sector or within a \((N_\uparrow, N_\downarrow)\)-multisector.

In libcommute’s terms, an \(N\)-fermion sector is a subspace of a full Hilbert space, which is spanned by all basis states with a fixed total occupation of fermionic degrees of freedom (FDOF). Similarly, a multisector is spanned by all basis states with a fixed occupation \(N_1\) of a subset of the FDOF \(\{S_1\}\), occupation \(N_2\) of another subset \(\{S_2\}\) and so on. There can be any number of pairs \((\{S_i\}, N_i)\) (sectors contributing to the multisector) as long as all the subsets \(\{S_i\}\) are disjoint.

In our example we consider a moderately sized sector with \(N = 2\) (\(\dim = {32 \choose 2} = 496\)) and a multisector with \(N_\uparrow = 1, N_\downarrow = 1\) (\(\dim = {16 \choose 1}{16 \choose 1} = 256\)).


In general, the N-fermion (multi)sector views and functions do not require a purely fermionic system. The definitions of a sector and a multisector stand in presence of bosons, spins and any other non-fermionic degrees of freedom.

We use Eigen’s real vector container to store elements of state vectors within the (multi)sector, and the SelfAdjointEigenSolver class to diagonalize Hamiltonian matrices.

  1// 'state_vector_eigen3.hpp' must be included before 'libcommute.hpp'.
  2// This way libcommute will know how to deal with Eigen's vector types.
  3#include <libcommute/loperator/state_vector_eigen3.hpp>
  5#include <libcommute/libcommute.hpp>
  7// For Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver
  8#include <Eigen/Eigenvalues>
 10using namespace libcommute;
 12int main() {
 14  //
 15  // Parameters of the system
 16  //
 18  // Linear sizes of the lattice
 19  int const Nx = 4;
 20  int const Ny = 4;
 22  // Hopping constant
 23  double const t = 0.5;
 24  // Chemical potential
 25  double const mu = 1.0;
 26  // Coulomb repulsion
 27  double const U = 2.0;
 29  // Fermi-Hubbard Hamiltonian to be constructed.
 30  // Every creation and annihilation operator met in the Hamiltonian
 31  // carry two integer indices (coordinates of a lattice site) and
 32  // one string index (spin).
 33  static_indices::expr_real<int, int, std::string> H;
 35  // The following functions make quantum operators with
 36  // statically typed indices.
 37  using static_indices::c_dag; // Create an electron
 38  using static_indices::c;     // Destroy an electron
 39  using static_indices::n;     // Number of electrons
 41  // Are two sites neighbors along the x-axis with periodicity?
 42  auto neighbors_x = [](int ix, int jx) {
 43    return std::abs(ix - jx) == 1 || std::abs(ix - jx) == Nx - 1;
 44  };
 45  // Are two sites neighbors along the y-axis with periodicity?
 46  auto neighbors_y = [](int iy, int jy) {
 47    return std::abs(iy - jy) == 1 || std::abs(iy - jy) == Ny - 1;
 48  };
 50  // Hopping terms of H
 51  for(auto spin : {"up", "down"}) {
 52    for(int ix = 0; ix < Nx; ++ix) {
 53      for(int iy = 0; iy < Ny; ++iy) {
 54        for(int jx = 0; jx < Nx; ++jx) {
 55          for(int jy = 0; jy < Ny; ++jy) {
 56            // Skip all pairs of lattice sites (ix,iy) and (jx,jy)
 57            // that are not nearest neighbors.
 58            if((neighbors_x(ix, jx) && iy == jy) ||
 59               (ix == jx && neighbors_y(iy, jy))) {
 60              // Add a hopping term
 61              H += -t * c_dag(ix, iy, spin) * c(jx, jy, spin);
 62            }
 63          }
 64        }
 65      }
 66    }
 67  }
 69  // Chemical potential terms
 70  for(int ix = 0; ix < Nx; ++ix)
 71    for(int iy = 0; iy < Ny; ++iy) {
 72      H += -mu * (n(ix, iy, "up") + n(ix, iy, "down"));
 73    }
 75  // Coulomb repulsion terms
 76  for(int ix = 0; ix < Nx; ++ix)
 77    for(int iy = 0; iy < Ny; ++iy) {
 78      H += U * n(ix, iy, "up") * n(ix, iy, "down");
 79    }
 81  // Automatically analyze structure of 'H' and construct a Hilbert space
 82  auto hs = make_hilbert_space(H);
 83  std::cout << "Full Hilbert space dimension: " << hs.dim() << '\n';
 85  // Construct a 'loperator' object that represents action of expression 'H' on
 86  // state vectors in the Hilbert space 'hs'.
 87  auto Hop = make_loperator(H, hs);
 89  //
 90  // Diagonalize the N = 2 sector of the model using Eigen 3 and the
 91  // 'n_fermion_sector_view' class.
 92  //
 93  {
 94    int const N = 2;
 96    auto const sector_size = n_fermion_sector_size(hs, N);
 97    std::cout << "Size of the N = 2 sector: " << sector_size << '\n';
 99    // Preallocate a Hamiltonian matrix to be filled and diagonalized.
100    // Note that we have to store matrix elements only within the small sector.
101    Eigen::MatrixXd Hmat(sector_size, sector_size);
103    // Preallocate an input state vector
104    Eigen::VectorXd psi(sector_size);
106    // Create a constant 2-fermion sector view of the source vector 'psi'
107    auto psi_view = make_const_nfs_view(psi, hs, N);
109    // Fill 'Hmat'
110    for(int i = 0; i < int(sector_size); ++i) {
111      // Reset vector |\psi> to zero.
112      psi = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(int(sector_size));
113      psi[i] = 1; // 'psi' is the i-th basis vector now
115      // Create a 2-fermion sector view of the i-th column of 'Hmat'.
116      auto HMat_col_view = make_nfs_view(Hmat.col(i), hs, N);
118      // Act with Hop on the i-th sector basis state and write the result into
119      // the i-th column of Hmat.
120      Hop(psi_view, HMat_col_view);
121    }
123    // Diagonalize 'Hmat'
124    Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> diag(Hmat,
125                                                        Eigen::EigenvaluesOnly);
127    std::cout << "10 lowest eigenvalues of the N = 2 sector: "
128              << diag.eigenvalues().head(10).transpose() << '\n';
129  }
131  //
132  // Diagonalize the N_up = 1, N_down = 1 multisector of the model using
133  // Eigen 3 and the 'n_fermion_multisector_view' class.
134  //
135  {
136    int const N_up = 1, N_down = 1;
138    // Define sectors contributing to the multisector
139    sector_descriptor<decltype(hs)> sector_up{{}, N_up};
140    sector_descriptor<decltype(hs)> sector_down{{}, N_down};
142    // Fill index sets {S_up} and {S_down}
143    for(int ix = 0; ix < Nx; ++ix) {
144      for(int iy = 0; iy < Ny; ++iy) {
145        sector_up.indices.emplace(ix, iy, "up");
146        sector_down.indices.emplace(ix, iy, "down");
147      }
148    }
150    std::vector<sector_descriptor<decltype(hs)>> sectors = {sector_up,
151                                                            sector_down};
153    auto const multisector_size = n_fermion_multisector_size(hs, sectors);
154    std::cout << "Size of the N_up = 1, N_down = 1 multisector: "
155              << multisector_size << '\n';
157    // Preallocate a Hamiltonian matrix to be filled and diagonalized.
158    // Note that we have to store matrix elements only within the multisector.
159    Eigen::MatrixXd Hmat(multisector_size, multisector_size);
161    // Preallocate an input state vector
162    Eigen::VectorXd psi(multisector_size);
164    // Create a constant multisector view of the source vector 'psi'
165    auto psi_view = make_const_nfms_view(psi, hs, sectors);
167    // Fill 'Hmat'
168    for(int i = 0; i < int(multisector_size); ++i) {
169      // Reset vector |\psi> to zero.
170      psi = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(int(multisector_size));
171      psi[i] = 1; // 'psi' is the i-th basis vector now
173      // Create a multisector view of the i-th column of 'Hmat'.
174      auto HMat_col_view = make_nfms_view(Hmat.col(i), hs, sectors);
176      // Act with Hop on the i-th multisector basis state and write the result
177      // into the i-th column of Hmat.
178      Hop(psi_view, HMat_col_view);
179    }
181    // Diagonalize 'Hmat'
182    Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> diag(Hmat,
183                                                        Eigen::EigenvaluesOnly);
185    std::cout << "10 lowest eigenvalues of the multisector: "
186              << diag.eigenvalues().head(10).transpose() << '\n';
187  }
189  return 0;