.. _example_fermiongf: Example: Fermionic Green's function or self-energy ================================================== Observable kind: :ref:`FermionGf `. .. note:: With `FermionGf` one can also continue a self-energy function as long as it does not contain a static Hartree-Fock contribution (decays to 0 at :math:`\omega\to\infty`). In this case norms must be precomputed separately as first spectral moments of the self-energy. For derivation of spectral moments see, for instance, :: "Interpolating self-energy of the infinite-dimensional Hubbard model: Modifying the iterative perturbation theory" M. Potthoff, T. Wegner, and W. Nolting, Phys. Rev. B 55, 16132 (1997) Run analytical continuation --------------------------- .. literalinclude:: example.py Download input file :download:`example.h5`. Plot input and reconstructed imaginary-time GF's ------------------------------------------------ .. plot:: examples/fermiongf/plot_g_tau.py :include-source: :scale: 100 Plot the spectral function -------------------------- .. plot:: examples/fermiongf/plot_g_w.py :include-source: :scale: 100