.. _example_bosonautocorr: Example: Autocorrelator of a Hermitian operator =============================================== Observable kind: :ref:`BosonAutoCorr `. Correlator of a Hermitian operator with itself. For the Hermitian operators the auxiliary spectral function :math:`A(\epsilon) = \Im\chi(\epsilon)/\epsilon` is non-negative and symmetric. This mode is faster and more robust than `BosonCorr`. Run analytical continuation --------------------------- .. literalinclude:: example.py Download input file :download:`example.h5`. Plot input and reconstructed correlators at Matsubara frequencies ----------------------------------------------------------------- .. plot:: examples/bosonautocorr/plot_chi_iw.py :include-source: :scale: 100 Plot the correlator on the real frequency axis ---------------------------------------------- .. plot:: examples/bosonautocorr/plot_chi_w.py :include-source: :scale: 100