- symmetric real eigenproblems¶
template<typename Backend>
class arpack_solver<Symmetric, Backend>¶ Main solver class wrapping the Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Method (IRLM) for real symmetric eigenproblems.
This specialization of
calls ARPACK-NG routinesdsaupd()
to compute approximations to a few eigenpairs of a linear operator \( \hat O \) that is real and symmetric with respect to a real positive semi-definite symmetric matrix \( \hat B \). In other words,\[ \langle \mathbf{x},\hat O \mathbf{y} \rangle = \langle \hat O \mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y} \rangle \]for all vectors \( \mathbf{x} \), \( \mathbf{y} \) and with the scalar product defined as\[ \langle \mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y} \rangle = \mathbf{x}^T \hat B \mathbf{y}. \]A variant of the Lanczos algorithm is internally used instead of the Arnoldi iteration for this class of problems.- Template Parameters:
Backend – Tag type specifying what storage backend (matrix/vector algebra library) must be used by
. The storage backend determines types of internally stored data arrays and input/output view objects returned by methods of the class.
Backend-specific array and view types
using real_vector_t = typename storage::real_vector_type¶
One-dimensional data array (vector) of real numbers.
using real_matrix_t = typename storage::real_matrix_type¶
Two-dimensional data array (matrix) of real numbers.
using int_vector_t = typename storage::int_vector_type¶
One-dimensional data array (vector) of integers.
using real_vector_view_t = typename storage::real_vector_view_type¶
Partial view (slice) of a real vector.
using real_vector_const_view_t = typename storage::real_vector_const_view_type¶
Partial constant view (slice) of a real vector.
using real_matrix_const_view_t = typename storage::real_matrix_const_view_type¶
Partial constant view (slice) of a real matrix.
using vector_const_view_t = real_vector_const_view_t¶
Storage-specific view type to expose real input vectors \( \mathbf{x} \). An argument of this type is passed as input to callable objects representing linear operators \( \hat O \) and \( \hat B \).
using vector_view_t = real_vector_view_t¶
Storage-specific view type to expose real output vectors \( \mathbf{y} \). An argument of this type receives output from callable objects representing linear operators \( \hat O \) and \( \hat B \).
Public Types
enum Mode¶
Computational modes for generalized eigenproblems.
enumerator Inverse¶
Regular inverse mode.
Solve a generalized eigenproblem \( \hat A\mathbf{x} = \lambda \hat M\mathbf{x} \) by reduction to the canonical form with \( \hat O = \hat M^{-1} \hat A \) and \( \hat B = \hat M \), where \( \hat A \) is symmetric and \( \hat M \) is symmetric positive-definite.
enumerator ShiftAndInvert¶
Shift-and-Invert mode.
Solve a generalized eigenproblem \( \hat A\mathbf{x} = \lambda \hat M\mathbf{x} \) by reduction to the canonical form with \( \hat O = (\hat A - \sigma\hat M)^{-1} \hat M \) and \( \hat B = \hat M \), where \( \hat A \) is symmetric and \( \hat M \) is symmetric positive semi-definite.
enumerator Buckling¶
Buckling mode.
Solve a generalized eigenproblem \( \hat K\mathbf{x} = \lambda \hat K_G\mathbf{x} \) by reduction to the canonical form with \( \hat O = (\hat K - \sigma\hat K_G)^{-1} \hat K \) and \( \hat B = \hat K \), where \( \hat K \) is symmetric positive semi-definite and \( \hat K_G \) is symmetric indefinite.
enumerator Cayley¶
Cayley mode.
Solve a generalized eigenproblem \( \hat A\mathbf{x} = \lambda \hat M\mathbf{x} \) by reduction to the canonical form with \(\hat O = (\hat A -\sigma\hat M)^{-1}(\hat A +\sigma M)\) and \( \hat B = \hat M \), where \( \hat A \) is symmetric and \( \hat M \) is symmetric positive semi-definite.
enumerator Inverse¶
Public Functions
inline arpack_solver(unsigned int N)¶
Constructs a solver object and allocates internal data buffers to be used by ARPACK-NG.
- Parameters:
N – Dimension of the eigenproblem.
template<typename A, typename ShiftsF = exact_shifts_f>
inline void operator()(A &&a, params_t const ¶ms, ShiftsF shifts_f = {})¶ Solve a standard eigenproblem \( \hat A\mathbf{x} = \lambda\mathbf{x}\).
- Parameters:
a – A callable object representing the linear operator \( \hat A \). It must take two arguments,
a(vector_const_view_t in, vector_view_t out)
is expected to act on the vector viewin
and write the result into the vector viewout
,out = a*in
. Given an instanceas
of the arpack_solver< Symmetric, Backend > class,in
is also indirectly accessible asandas.workspace_vector(as.in_vector_n())
is accessible asas.workspace_vector(as.out_vector_n())
params – Set of input parameters for the Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Method.
shifts_f – Functor that implements a shift selection strategy for the implicit restarts. For the expected signature of the functor, see exact_shifts_f::operator()(). When this argument is omitted, the default “Exact Shift Strategy” is used, which is the right choice in most cases.
- Throws:
ezarpack::ncv_insufficient – No shifts could be applied during a cycle of the IRL iteration.
ezarpack::maxiter_reached – Maximum number of IRL iterations has been reached. All possible eigenvalues of \( \hat O \) have been found.
std::runtime_error – Invalid input parameters and other errors reported by ARPACK-NG routines
template<typename OP, typename B, typename ShiftsF = exact_shifts_f>
inline void operator()(OP &&op, B &&b, Mode mode, params_t const ¶ms, ShiftsF shifts_f = {})¶ Solve a generalized eigenproblem \( \hat A\mathbf{x} = \lambda\hat M\mathbf{x}\).
Operators \( \hat O \) and \( \hat B \) mentioned below are related to \( \hat A \) and \( \hat M \) via a Mode -dependent spectral transformation.
- Parameters:
op – A callable object representing the linear operator \( \hat O \). It must take two arguments,
In all computational modes except for Inverse,op(vector_view_t in, vector_view_t out)
is expected to act on the vector viewin
and write the result into the vector viewout
,out = op*in
. In the Inverse mode, however,op
must do the following,in = op*in
,out = M^{-1}*in
. Given an instanceas
of the arpack_solver< Symmetric, Backend > class,in
is also indirectly accessible asandas.workspace_vector(as.in_vector_n())
is accessible asas.workspace_vector(as.out_vector_n())
b – A callable object representing the linear operator \( \hat B \). It must take two arguments,
b(vector_const_view_t in, vector_view_t out)
is expected to act on the vector viewin
and write the result into the vector viewout
,out = b*in
.mode – Computational mode to be used.
params – Set of input parameters for the Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Method.
shifts_f – Functor that implements a shift selection strategy for the implicit restarts. For the expected signature of the functor, see exact_shifts_f::operator()(). When this argument is omitted, the default “Exact Shift Strategy” is used, which is the right choice in most cases.
- Throws:
ezarpack::ncv_insufficient – No shifts could be applied during a cycle of the IRL iteration.
ezarpack::maxiter_reached – Maximum number of IRL iterations has been reached. All possible eigenvalues of \( \hat O \) have been found.
std::runtime_error – Invalid input parameters and other errors reported by ARPACK-NG routines
inline int dim() const¶
Returns dimension of the eigenproblem.
inline int in_vector_n() const¶
Returns the index of the workspace vector, which is currently expected to be acted upon by linear operator \( \hat O \) or \( \hat B \).
inline int out_vector_n() const¶
Returns the index of the workspace vector, which is currently expected to receive result from application of linear operator \( \hat O \) or \( \hat B \).
inline real_vector_view_t workspace_vector(int n)¶
Returns a view of a vector within ARPACK-NG’s workspace array.
- Parameters:
n – Index of the workspace vector. Valid values are 0, 1 and 2.
- Throws:
std::runtime_error – Invalid index value.
inline unsigned int nconv() const¶
Number of “converged” Ritz values.
inline real_vector_const_view_t eigenvalues() const¶
Returns a constant view of a list of nconv() eigenvalues.
The values in the list are in ascending order.
In the generalized eigenproblem modes, this method always returns eigenvalues of the original problem.
inline real_matrix_const_view_t eigenvectors() const¶
Returns a constant view of a matrix, whose nconv() columns are converged Ritz basis vectors (eigenvectors).
- Throws:
std::runtime_error – Ritz vectors have not been computed in the last IRLM run.
inline real_vector_view_t residual_vector()¶
Returns a view of the current residual vector.
When params_t::random_residual_vector is set to
, the view returned by this accessor can be used to set the initial residual vector.
inline bool Bx_available() const¶
Has \( \hat B\mathbf{x} \) already been computed at the current IRLM iteration?
inline real_vector_const_view_t Bx_vector() const¶
Returns a constant view of the most recently computed vector \( \hat B\mathbf{x} \).
inline stats_t stats() const¶
Returns computation statistics from the last IRLM run.
struct exact_shifts_f¶ If this functor is used to provide shifts for implicit restart, then the default ARPACK-NG’s shift strategy (Exact Shift Strategy) will be employed.
See also
Paragraph 4.4.1 of ARPACK Users’ Guide: Solution of Large Scale Eigenvalue Problems with Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Methods (R. B. Lehoucq, D. C. Sorensen, C. Yang, SIAM, 1998), http://li.mit.edu/Archive/Activities/Archive/CourseWork/Ju_Li/MITCourses/18.335/Doc/ARPACK/Lehoucq97.pdf#page=64
Public Functions
inline void operator()(real_vector_const_view_t ritz_values, real_vector_const_view_t ritz_bounds, real_vector_view_t shifts)¶
Trivial call operator. The actual shifts will be internally computed by ARPACK-NG.
- Parameters:
ritz_values – [in] View of a real vector with current params_t::ncv Ritz values.
ritz_bounds – [in] View of a real vector with current estimated error bounds of the Ritz values.
shifts – [out] Real vector view to receive the computed shifts.
inline void operator()(real_vector_const_view_t ritz_values, real_vector_const_view_t ritz_bounds, real_vector_view_t shifts)¶
struct params_t¶ Input parameters of the Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Method (IRLM).
Public Types
enum eigenvalues_select_t¶
Categories of eigenvalues to compute.
enumerator Largest¶
Largest (algebraic) eigenvalues.
enumerator Smallest¶
Smallest (algebraic) eigenvalues.
enumerator LargestMagnitude¶
Largest eigenvalues in magnitude.
enumerator SmallestMagnitude¶
Smallest eigenvalues in magnitude.
enumerator BothEnds¶
Eigenvalues at both ends of the spectrum. If n_eigenvalues is odd, compute one more from the high end than from the low end.
enumerator Largest¶
Public Functions
inline params_t(unsigned int n_eigenvalues, eigenvalues_select_t eigenvalues_select, bool compute_eigenvectors)¶
Constructs an IRLM parameter object with given n_eigenvalues, eigenvalues_select and compute_eigenvectors. The rest of the parameters are set to their defaults.
Public Members
unsigned int n_eigenvalues¶
Number of eigenvalues (Ritz values) to compute.
eigenvalues_select_t eigenvalues_select¶
Which of the eigenvalues to compute?
int ncv = -1¶
Number of Lanczos vectors to be generated.
stands for the default valuemin(2*n_eigenvalues + 2, N)
, whereN
is the dimension of the problem.
bool compute_eigenvectors¶
Compute Ritz vectors in addition to the eigenvalues?
bool random_residual_vector = true¶
Use a randomly generated initial residual vector?
double sigma = 0¶
Eigenvalue shift \( \sigma \) used if a spectral transformation is employed.
double tolerance = 0¶
Relative tolerance for Ritz value convergence. The default setting is machine precision.
unsigned int max_iter = INT_MAX¶
Maximum number of IRLM iterations allowed.
enum eigenvalues_select_t¶
struct stats_t¶ Statistics regarding a completed IRLM run.
Public Members
unsigned int n_iter¶
Number of Arnoldi update iterations taken.
unsigned int n_op_x_operations¶
Total number of \( \hat O \mathbf{x} \) operations.
unsigned int n_b_x_operations¶
Total number of \( \hat B \mathbf{x} \) operations.
unsigned int n_reorth_steps¶
Total number of steps of re-orthogonalization.
unsigned int n_iter¶