ezarpack/mpi/mpi_util.hpp - MPI utility functions

inline int ezarpack::mpi::size(MPI_Comm const &comm)

Get size of an MPI communicator.


comm – MPI communicator.

inline int ezarpack::mpi::rank(MPI_Comm const &comm)

Get rank of the calling process within an MPI communicator.


comm – MPI communicator.

inline int ezarpack::mpi::compute_local_block_size(int N, int comm_size, int comm_rank)

Compute the size of a vector block owned by an MPI process for the most even distribution of the vector among all processes.

  • N – size of the full vector.

  • comm_size – Size of the MPI communicator.

  • comm_rank – Rank within the MPI communicator.

inline int ezarpack::mpi::compute_local_block_start(int N, int comm_size, int comm_rank)

Compute the starting index of a vector block owned by an MPI process for the most even distribution of the vector among all processes.

  • N – size of the full vector.

  • comm_size – Size of the MPI communicator.

  • comm_rank – Rank within the MPI communicator.