
The package QInchworm.jl is a Julia implementation of the quasi Monte Carlo variant[1] of the inchworm algorithm[2] for solving impurity models with multiple interacting fermions. Using quasi Monte Carlo, a $1/N$ convergence rate with the number of samples is achievable, which compares favorably to the $1/\sqrt{N}$ convergence of the Monte Carlo methods.

Below, you can find an API reference of QInchworm.jl's modules. Some parts of the API, such as handling of the atomic problem and of the pair interactions/hybridization, depend on container types from Keldysh.jl and exact diagonalization tools of KeldyshED.jl.

There is also an example page showing how to use QInchworm.jl to solve a quantum impurity problem in thermodynamic equilibrium and to compute two-point correlation functions for it.

Public API
